Rabu, 30 Januari 2013
Ravens Oline vs Niners Dline. Overall this matchup will be won or loss between Micheal Oher vs Aldon Smith. The Ravens Oline is one of the best in the league however the Niners Dline is nothin to laugh at. Still Ravens Oline
Niners Oline vs Ravens Dline. The best Oline in the league makes this an easy won, although the Racens Dline is good.still Niners Oline.
Ravens Rbs vs Niners LBs. Top five back vs Top five linebacking cores. I like Patrick Willis and their 4-3. But the man got a first down on a 4th and 29. Ravens Rbs.
Niners Rbs vs Ravens LBs. Great back combo. of Hunter, James, Gore. Against Suggs and Lewis. Ray Lewis has led his team in tackles every game in the Playoffs. However adding in Collin Kapenicks ability running ability. Niners Rbs
Ravens DBs vs Niners WRs. Super Mario and Micheal Crabtrete along with Verne Davis the Niners have a great Receiving Core Ed Reed in his prime would be enough but. Niners WRs.
Niners DBs vs Ravens WRs. Great Understates the receiving core with Torry Smith and Aquan Bolden. Their playmaking ability could be the difference in the game. Not to mention the Niners problem is the Dbs. So easily Ravens WRs.
Niners Qb vs Ravens Qb. This is a joke of a question. While Flacco is playing amazingly efficient 8TDs- 0INTs. Still Kapernick.
Harbough vs Harbough. This is tough however seeing what Jim has done with Stanford and then the Niners I give it to him solely on that.
Finally and least important but possibly not Special Teams.
Last year this squad kept the Niners out of the Playoffs. The Ravens new kicker is a ton better than the last but the Ravens don't have a playmaker like Ted Ginn Jr. So Niners.
Final results 6-3 Niners. While the essentials are equal The overall talent of Receiving core. The Efficiency of the Niners Read option. A stout defense that is great against the run. Plus Joe Flacco being in the other team I give it to the Niners. 31-17
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
Loudfinger ? An interview with Rik Morgan, Barry Dodd, Chris ...
This may seem strange, but some friends of mine are in a band and we started talking about me interviewing them.? While it seemed funny at first?as time went on?the idea caught on.? So here?s the interview with LOUDFINGER!
Rik Morgan was conceived on the front row of a Black Sabbath concert in Dallas, Texas. Upon his birth, the Liberty Bell crack was mended by a lightening strike. Doctors never did understand how a Gibson SG was delivered with Rik, but it is well documented and that he was born with it in his hand. Although 30 years of Rik?s life were spent in the wilderness and are unaccounted for, it is believed that he was studying guitar with the Viking God?s in Valhalla. Nicknamed, THOR, because of the way he swings his guitar like Thor?s Hammer, Rik is well known for causing earthquakes and laying waste to many a venue with his devastating hard rock guitar licks and custom-built 100watt Marshall stack.
Q1) You?ve got a business background.? How do you feel that applies to Loudfinger?
A1) I try to keep the business completely separate from the music.? I?m the antithesis of Gene Simmons.? I?m not trying to build a brand here; I?m just having a good time and I encourage the rest of the band, as well as the audience, to do the same.
?Q2) You?re not getting any younger?? How long do you expect to keep this up?
A2) For me; Rock & Roll is the fountain of youth, baby.? For as long as I?m still kicking, I?m gonna rock hard and stay young!
Barry Dodd
Barry?s love of rock began during his business trip to Africa in 1981.? While harvesting elephant tusks to make ivory piano keys, he accidentally discovered that powdered rhino horns were a powerful aphrodisiac.? One night while conducting field experiments ingesting the powder and combining with alcohol, he satisfied every available woman in the local hunting tribe, but none could quench his lust.? Fortunately for him, Ozzy Osbourne was passing through and in trade for Barry?s aphrodisiac formula, introduced him to rock & roll, and also his strange traveling companion, Lucifer.? Barry was transformed into a rock god, and Ozzy patented Viagra ? a fair trade.
Q1) You?re the new guy.? What do you bring to the band?
A1) I feel like I bring to the band a new and different attitude that definitely shows up in the music.? It?s all about chemistry.
Q2) You?ve been in the local scene since the early 80?s.? How does today?s rock scene compare to the past, and where do you think it?s heading?
A3) Well, back in the day, we didn?t have the same quality of gear.? Most bands had pawn shop equipment, and it sounded like it.? Today, it?s easier than ever to score a good rig.? I think the future is pretty bright because of it.
Q3) How would you categorize the dynamic sound of Loudfinger?
A3) It comes from a place down deep where only the strong survive.
Q4) Why do women seem to love bearing their breasts at Loudfinger performances, and how many boobs have you autographed since joining the band?
A5) I think it?s because the keep spilling drinks down their shirts.? I?ve only signed a couple.? That?s because security came and kicked me out of the old folks home.? Wait, are we talking individual boobs, or pairs?? They come in two?s, you know.
Throughout the decades of his quest for that musical Holy Grail known as the Mic of the Magus, which makes any who hold it a rock god of epic proportions, Chris Carroll has led many a nefarious pretender to their doom with his sonic attack. As did the bard in ancient times or the Pied Piper of lore, he leads any within the sound of his voice to the very brink of redemption or condemnation. Wielding a knife-edged and pitch perfect voice, he lays low the nay-sayers and hate-mongers, any who would question his resolve and the validity of his claim to the Mic of the Magus, for he believes he is pre-destined to wield it against the army of posers who muddy the crystalline waters of rock & roll perfection. To all who oppose him, he raises his Loudfinger and crushes them beneath his boot while calling to the Loudfinger Legion to join in his rebellion against the powers of inferior musicianship, imploring them to raise their Loudfingers high, raise them proud, shout it out and LIVE LIFE LOUD!!!
1)? You?ve seen many personnel changes with Loudfinger; has it helped or hurt the band?
A)? You know, there have been a lot of personnel changes; 5 drummers & 3 bass? players in a little over 4 yrs.? I?ve been sad to see some leave, ecstatic to see others ? go, but I believe that every time we?ve replaced a member, we?ve upgraded.? We are a much more solid band playing much more difficult material than we ever would have attempted back then.? I?m extremely proud of the band we are now and would go? up against any band out there.
2)? Any words for former members?
A)? Nothing too elaborate.? I just wish them well in all their endeavors and hope they realize they left the best thing that ever happened to them.? And no, they can?t come back.? I?ve got a Loudfinger salute for them if they try.? Love ya!
3)? Your singing style is amazing, but difficult to categorize.? How would you categorize your style and the bands overall style?
A) Thank you for the compliment.? I really appreciate that.? My style is a grafting of? all the influences I?ve enjoyed in my life.? I?ve enjoyed so many types of music, but the 80?s have been my biggest influence.? Geoff Tate, Bruce Dickinson, Don Dokken, Steve Perry and David Coverdale are just a few of my favorites, vocalists I?ve always tried to emulate because of their amazing talent.? Combine that with charisma and showmanship, and you have a recipe for success.? We?ve tried to keep this band focused on our roots, and it shows in our performances.? That said, however, our own music reflects past and present rock genres and I believe is relevant in either setting.
4)? You are responsible for all the artwork and merchandise for Loudfinger.? Is that a role you enjoy?
A) ?Yes, it is.? So much so that I am loathe to relinquish control.? The other guys have wanted to take some of the burden, but I just don?t want anything out there that doesn?t represent us in the most positive light.? I?ve worked hard over the years to create an image/brand that both represents the historical aspect of? the Loud finger ?? (find out more at www.loudfinger.com) and the hard rock/metal persona we wish to project.? Plus, it?s just a bad ass logo for a bad ass band with a bad ass name!
Rex Scown has been playing drums, in some capacity and sometimes incapacitated, on and off for thousands of years. He has studied under the great Ajisuki from Japan, the legendary Hephaestus of ancient Greece (hence the heavy hands), and most recently, under the Zulu spiritual leader Credo Mutwa in order to develop his physical body, life force and prestige. He feels that although society has rolled to show it?s soft underbelly and modern conveniences have dulled his trade and mankind in general, Loudfinger is a beacon in the darkened haze, carrying the dying torch of the spirit of Rock ?N? Roll.
Q1:???? You were part of the music scene through the ?90?s with Joker Spade, during what some consider the ?heyday? of rock in the Permian Basin. How does the new scene compare to that?
A1:????? That?s like comparing feral children to apples. The good ole days were just that, good ole days. There seemed to be more of a demand for hard, live music back then. Spade had a large, loyal following. And it was great. These days, we?re fighting an uphill battle. I mean, Loudfinger has a loyal fanbase, but it?s not nearly as big. The demographic in this area is not conducive to hard rock. If your not in a Texas Cuntry band (I left the ?o? out purposely) wearing a catch-me fuck-me, wore out straw hat or in a Tejano outfit, your screwed. We obviously do this because we love the music and we love playing live. Those are the only two reasons why I carry on.
Q2:???? Some have categorized your drumming style as heavy-handed metal. How would you define your style and how does that affect the band?s dynamic?
A2:????? I think that?s a very fair definition. Your not going to see me pulling off any of Buddy Rich?s licks or heel-toeing 64th notes on the double bass pedal, but I can hold it down, keep time and keep it heavy with a bit of dynamic. Have a listen to Call Me Wicked at a live show, a good example. I feel it fits in very nicely with what Rik and Cory are doing and I?ve worked with Barry before in Joker Spade. Barry and I go together like peas and carrots. Loudfinger is good at the guitar hooks and catchy choruses. Plus, I really dig Chris? vocal style, very melodic. Right up my alley.
Q3:???? Who were your greatest influences?
A3:????? First off, I?m a fan of most genres. I grew up on Outlaw Country. My mom had me listening to Willie, Waylon and David Allan Coe of course, Gary Stewart (my personal favorite), Emmylou Harris, Delbert McClinton and the like. I have to throw in Little Feat, they have the greatest live album ever released-Waiting for Columbus. Greatest influence would have to be the NWOBHM bands. In particular, Clive Burr and Nicko McBrain of Iron Maiden. The lyrical prowess of Steve Harris and Bruce Dickinson and the twin harmonies of Dave Murray and Adrian Smith. That stuff will get you higher than a tree lizard.
Q4:???? Loudfinger has a reputation for going through drummers faster than a monkey on meth! Do you expect to be around for a while?
A4:????? I don?t see why I wouldn?t be. I think I fit well with the band and the guys. Our influences and styles work nicely together. Also our original material is pretty damn tasty. Like I said earlier, we do this because we love music and performing live.
As far as the satan worship and virgin sacrifices go? There?s only a handful of things I haven?t tried because I was afraid I might like them too much. That would be one. Live life loud, rock hard and stay young!!!
Cory was born in Miami, Florida, and moved to California under mysterious circumstances shortly after the age of 3.? Growing up in Southern California, he spent time supplying medicinal products to his friends, many of whom benefited from Cory?s tutelage and later went on to become legendary icons of rock.? Guys like Eddie Van Halen, Slash and George Lynch still keep in touch with Cory; asking for advice from time to time.? ?That?s why I have to keep changing my phone number every three months? says Cory.? Cory has performed on numerous #1 chart-topping hits in almost every musical genera, but to remain humble, he always insists on being excluded from any official credits.? He?s a musical genius, and true humanitarian.
Q1) Who are your greatest influences and why?
A1) Randy Rhoads, George Lynch and Eddie Van Halen.? Because I like the dark neo-classical sound.
Q2) How would you categorize the dynamic Loudfinger sound?
A2) A raw, energetic sound that gets you by the throat.
Q3) You?ve been at this for a long time?? What are you hoping to accomplish with Loudfinger?
A3) To have a few solid studio albums and do some touring.
Q4) Why do women throw their panties at the stage during Loudfinger performances, and where do all those panties end up?
A4) Oh, I?m sure they have their reasons?? I can?t tell you where ALL of them end up, but, you know, if you think of it like a universal business card, my Rolodex is full, if you follow my meaning.
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What will Michelle Obama do with 4 more years?
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Michelle Obama has a new look, both in person and online, and with the president's re-election, she has four more years as first lady, too.
That's got many people wondering: What will she do with them?
Take on a new cause? Travel more? Trace the path of another first lady and keep the Obama political brand alive by running for office?
The answers are to be determined.
The first lady is trying to figure out what comes next for this self-described "mom in chief" who also is a champion of healthier eating, an advocate for military families, a fitness buff and the best-selling author of a book about her White House garden.
For certain, she'll press ahead with her well-publicized efforts to reduce childhood obesity and rally the country around its service members.
"But beyond that, the first lady is exploring ways that she can make a real difference for Americans, not just for these next four years, but for years to come," said Kristina Schake, Mrs. Obama's communications director.
Here are five areas to watch.
Will she take on a new cause? It's possible.
When Parade magazine asked last year whether she'd take up any new issues, Mrs. Obama identified women's health issues. "How do we strengthen families and make them healthier, an issue not just in America but around the world," she said.
Her marquee causes ? the "Let's Move" campaign against childhood obesity and the "Joining Forces" effort to help military families ? took a back seat last fall as she campaigned doggedly for President Barack Obama's re-election.
Look for her to begin publicizing those efforts anew.
Do not expect to see Mrs. Obama push more contentious issues such as gun control or immigration, both second-term priorities for the president. Her public approval rating was 73 percent in a December poll by CNN and she'd like to keep it there.
Some feminists remain unhappy that the Ivy League-educated lawyer hasn't used her position to champion what they view as more substantive issues.
Robert Watson, an American studies professor at Lynn University, said he hopes Mrs. Obama will use her popularity to pivot away from the "velvet-glove" issues first ladies typically embrace and say, "I'm swinging for the fence."
Obama's daughters are older and will be in full teenage mode by the summer of 2014. Malia is already there at 14; sister Sasha is 11.
Both the president and first lady sometimes talk about the girls' busy lives and how they don't want to spend much time with their parents anymore.
Could having older, more independent children free Mrs. Obama to pursue other interests? Some first lady watchers say that's unlikely. After all, the teenage years are often full of angst about dating, proms, learning how to drive, going to college and so on.
"Michelle has made such a public statement about being the 'mom in chief' that it's hard to see her saying, 'Go ahead girls, here's the limo,'" Watson said.
Malia will graduate from high school during Obama's final year in office, in 2016, and probably trade the White House for a college dorm. She and her parents will have to navigate the college application process and campus tours. Sasha will be in high school.
Presidents and first ladies often step up the pace of international travel in the second term. But it seems unlikely that Obama could make such a pivot just yet, with the U.S. public still so concerned about the economy, unemployment and government spending.
One option would be to send Mrs. Obama abroad in his place.
The first lady is popular overseas and has been well-received outside the U.S., including in India, where she accompanied the president in 2010, and in Mexico, also in 2010, and in South Africa and Botswana in 2011, the only countries she has visited alone as first lady.
She and Vice President Joe Biden's wife, Jill, traveled together to Haiti after the massive earthquake there in January 2010.
Mrs. Obama also went to Spain in the summer of 2010 on a personal trip with friends and daughter Sasha, but her stay at a luxury resort on the Costa del Sol wasn't well-received back home, raising questions about the cost and wisdom of taking such a trip during tough economic times.
Laura Bush pursued a grueling foreign travel schedule during George W. Bush's second term. She visited 77 countries in eight years as first lady, including with the president, but 67 of those trips came during the second term, including solo stops in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, according to Anita McBride, her then-chief of staff who runs American University's first ladies program.
Hillary Rodham Clinton also traveled abroad extensively during Bill Clinton's second term.
Will she or won't she? Despite Mrs. Obama's many denials of interest in seeking elected office herself, the question keeps getting asked. A recent survey found her to be more popular than Mark Kirk, the Republican senator from her home state of Illinois, in a hypothetical matchup.
"I have no interest in politics. Never have, never will," the first lady said last year on ABC's "The View."
But even those who at one time say "never" can later change their minds.
Hillary Clinton gave the same answer in 1995 when asked if she'd ever run for public office, says Myra Gutin, who studies first ladies at Rider University. But five years later, as her husband's presidency was ending, there was Clinton campaigning across New York for a Senate seat.
She won, used her time in the Senate as a springboard for her 2008 presidential campaign but lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. She became his secretary of state but is departing soon amid feverish speculation that she will run for president in 2016.
Mrs. Obama will be young ? 53 years old ? when her husband leaves office in January 2017, and will have a range of options ahead of her. Friends say she has always believed there are ways to serve the country without running for office.
Look for the first lady to continue to be a fashion trendsetter. Everything from her hair to her clothes is scrutinized, with some clothing pieces selling out quickly after she's seen wearing them.
Her new bangs became the talk of this town immediately after she went public with them on her 49th birthday, a few days before the president began his second term. Even the president said his wife's haircut was "the most significant event" of inaugural weekend and gave his approval.
Mrs. Obama also won largely positive reviews for her inaugural wardrobe: Reed Krakoff and Thom Browne by day, and Michael Kors and Jason Wu by night. Wu designed her red chiffon and velvet ball gown. He also designed the white ball gown she wore four years ago.
She also has a new presence on Twitter ? (at)FLOTUS.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/michelle-obama-4-more-years-130004370--politics.html
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Israel vows Syria strike at any sign of chemical arms transfer
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Any sign of Syria's grip on its suspected chemical weapons slipping as it battles an armed uprising could trigger Israeli military strikes, Israel's vice premier said on Sunday.
Silvan Shalom confirmed a media report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had last week convened security chiefs to discuss the civil war in nearby Syria and the state of the country's chemical arsenal.
The meeting, held on Wednesday, had not been publicly announced and was seen as especially unusual as it came while votes were still being counted from Israel's national election the day before, which Netanyahu's party list won narrowly.
Should Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas or rebels battling forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad obtain Syrian chemical weapons, Shalom told Israel's Army Radio, "it would dramatically change the capabilities of those organizations".
Such a development would be "a crossing of all red lines that would require a different approach, including even preventive operations", he said - alluding to military intervention, for which Israeli generals have said plans have been readied.
"The concept, in principle, is that this (chemical weapons transfer) must not happen," Shalom said. "The moment we begin to understand that such a thing is liable to happen, we will have to make decisions."
Interviewed separately by Army Radio, Civil Defense Minister Avi Dichter said Syria was "on the verge of collapse".
But asked whether Israel perceived an imminent threat, Dichter said: "No, not yet. I suppose that when things pose a danger to us, the State of Israel will know about it."
France, among the most vocal backers of Syria's rebels, said last week there were no signs Assad was about to be overthrown since international mediation and crisis diplomacy were going nowhere. The conflict also appears largely stalemated on the ground.
Syria has loomed large in Israeli rhetoric in recent weeks.
"The great danger to the world is ... from nuclear weapons in Iran, those weapons that are built in Iran. It's chemical weapons in Syria falling into the wrong hands," Netanyahu said in a January 7 speech.
Two days later, Dichter told Israel Radio that monitoring Syria was "the top priority - that is, a very high priority".
An Israeli government security adviser told Reuters on Sunday that Syria had taken new prominence in strategic planning "because of the imminence of the threat. There the WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) are ready and could be turned against us at short notice."
Raising the regional stakes, Tehran, among Assad's few allies and itself long the subject of Israeli war threats over its nuclear program, said on Saturday it would deem any attack on Syria an attack on Iran.
Israel and NATO countries say Syria has stocks of various chemical warfare agents at four sites. Syria is cagey about whether it has such arms but insists that, if it had, it would keep them secure and use them only to fend off foreign attack.
Syria is widely believed to have built up the arsenal to offset Israel's reputed nuclear weapons, among other reasons.
Netanyahu had sought to burnish his hawkish credentials ahead of the ballot, in which centrist rival made big gains.
The government adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Netanyahu might have a secondary interest in playing up security threats given that his rightist Likud-Beiteinu party list suffered surprise election setbacks and must now seek a new coalition with a constellation of political challengers.
"But Syria is a serious business, and the people dealing with it in Israel are serious," the adviser said.
Israel's biggest-selling newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth on December 28 quoted the deputy armed forces commander, Major-General Yair Naveh, saying that weapons developed for a possible strike on Iran could have "usefulness for other confrontations in our vicinity, including in Lebanon and Syria".
(Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Mark Heinrich)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israel-vows-syria-strike-sign-chemical-arms-transfer-090941147--finance.html
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Alison Cork's Guide to Artful Scrapbooking ... - Alison at Home
Over the Christmas holiday I decided to do something a bit different, and as a family we backpacked round the world on a cheap ticket. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and America. As you can imagine, it was a feast of images and experiences, and I didn?t want to forget a moment of it.
So I suggested to my son Ethan that he keep a ticket stub diary of the journey. Over the four weeks we duly stuck in tickets, maps, sweet wrappers, even a slither of eucalyptus soap, and gradually built up a multi layered recollection of events. It was colourful, sometimes irreverant but always interesting and a genuine cultural snapshot of the places we visited.
The best scrapbooks are mostly visual, complemented by succinct and insightful comment. The best scrapbooks use a beautiful journal or photo album to take you on the journey and make you think.
My top tips for a great scrapbook:
* the layout should be 60 per cent visual and 40 per cent text.
* change the layout of each page and don?t make the arrangement too ordered ? a sense of spontaneity is a good thing.
* inject humour amongst the serious stuff ? include sweetie wrappers or drinks labels.
* don?t cram too much on a page ? let it breathe.
* think of texture as well ? people will be fingering the page ? cloth, string, foil, they all help communicate the message.
* collage your cover and protect it with sticky backed plastic for a hardwearing finish.
Source: https://www.alisonathome.com/at-home-with-alison/alison-corks-guide-to-artful-scrapbooking/
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Angry protests leave 7 dead on Egypt anniversary
CAIRO (AP) ? Violence erupted across Egypt on Friday as tens of thousands took to the streets to deliver an angry backlash against President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, demanding regime change on the second anniversary of the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak. At least seven people were killed.
Two years to the day after protesters first rose up against the autocratic ex-president, the new phase of Egypt's upheaval was on display: the struggle between ruling Islamists and their opponents, played out against the backdrop of a worsening economy.
Rallies turned to clashes in multiple cities around Egypt, with police firing tear gas and protesters throwing stones. At least six people, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed in Suez, where protesters set ablaze a building that once housed the city's local government. Another person died in clashes in Ismailia, another Suez Canal city east of Cairo.
At least 480 people were injured nationwide, the Health Ministry said, including five with gunshot wounds in Suez, raising the possibility of a higher death toll.
Early on Saturday, army troops backed by armored vehicles deployed in the area outside the building housing the local government in Suez. The Third Field Army from which the troops were drawn announced that the deployed force was there to protect state institutions and that it was not taking sides.
Friday's rallies brought out at least 500,000 Morsi opponents, a small proportion of Egypt's 85 million people, but large enough to show that antipathy toward the president and his Islamist allies is strong in a country fatigued by two years of political turmoil, surging crime and an economy in free fall. Protests ? and clashes ? took place in at least 12 of Egypt's 27 provinces, including several Islamist strongholds.
"I will never leave until Morsi leaves," declared protester Sara Mohammed as she was treated for tear gas inhalation outside the presidential palace in Cairo's Heliopolis district. "What can possibly happen to us? Will we die? That's fine, because then I will be with God as a martyr. Many have died before us and even if we don't see change, future generations will."
The opposition's immediate goal was a show of strength to force Morsi to amend the country's new constitution, ratified in a national referendum last month despite objections that it failed to guarantee individual freedoms.
More broadly, the protests display the extent of public anger toward the Muslim Brotherhood, which opponents accuse of acting unilaterally rather than creating a broad-based democracy.
During his six months in office, Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected and civilian president, has faced the worst crises since Mubarak's ouster ? divisions that have left the nation scarred and in disarray. A wave of demonstrations erupted in November and December following a series of presidential decrees that temporarily gave Morsi near absolute powers, placing him above any oversight, including by the judiciary.
The Brotherhood and its Islamist allies, including the ultraconservative Salafis, have justified their hold by pointing to a string of election victories over the past year. The opposition contends they have gone far beyond what they say is a narrow mandate ? Morsi won the presidency with less than 52 percent of the vote. Brotherhood officials depict the opposition as undemocratic, using the streets to try to overturn an elected leadership.
The extent of the estrangement was evident late Thursday when, in a televised speech, Morsi denounced what he called a "counter-revolution" led by remnants of Mubarak's regime.
Early Saturday, Morsi called on Egyptians to express their views "peacefully and freely," without violence. Writing on his Twitter account, he offered his condolences to the families of those killed and pledged to bring the culprits to justice.
His tweets appeared to be an attempt to project an image of himself as president of all Egyptians, in the face of repeated opposition claims that he has been biased in favor of the Brotherhood, from which he hails and to which he remains loyal.
Unlike in 2012, when both sides made a show of marking Jan. 25, the Brotherhood stayed off the streets on Friday's anniversary. The group said it was honoring the occasion with acts of public service, such as treating the sick and planting trees.
On the horizon are key elections to choose a new lower house of parliament. The opposition is hoping to leverage public anger into a substantial bloc in the legislature, but must still weld together an effective campaign in the face of the Islamists' strength at the ballot box. Last winter, the Brotherhood and Salafis won around 75 percent of the lower house's seats, though the body was later disbanded by court order.
Pending the election of a new lower house, Morsi gave legislative powers to parliament's Islamist-dominated upper house, a normally toothless chamber elected by only about 7 percent of Egypt's 50 million voters in balloting last year.
Friday's protests re-created the tone of the 18-day uprising against Mubarak, including the same chants, this time directed against Morsi: "Erhal! Erhal!" ?"Leave! Leave!" ? and "The people want to topple the regime."
Clashes erupted outside the presidential palace in Cairo when youths tried to push through a police barricade. In other cities, protesters tried to break into Brotherhood offices as well as government and security buildings.
Clashes between protesters and police outside the state TV building in central Cairo continued into the small hours of Saturday. Some of the protesters held sit-ins in major squares and streets, insisting they would not disperse until Morsi leaves office.
Standing near Tahrir Square, retiree Ahmed Afifi said he joined the protests because he was struggling to feed his five children on less than $200 a month.
"I am retired and took another job just to make ends meet," Afifi said, his eyes filling with tears. "I am close to begging. Under Mubarak, life was hard, but at least we had security. ... The first people hit by high prices are the poor people right here."
Tens of thousands massed in Cairo's Tahrir Square, where the 2011 uprising began, and outside Morsi's palace, where banners proclaimed "No to the corrupt Muslim Brotherhood government" and "Two years since the revolution, where is social justice?" Others demonstrated outside the state TV and radio building overlooking the Nile.
In the Nile Delta towns of Menouf and Shibeen el-Koum, protesters blocked railway lines, disrupting train services to and from Cairo. In Ismailia on the Suez Canal, protesters stormed the building housing the provincial government, looting some of its contents. There were also clashes outside Morsi's home in the Nile Delta province of Sharqiyah.
The demands of the loosely knit opposition were varied. Some on the extremist fringe want Morsi to step down and the constitution rescinded. Others are calling for the document to be amended and early presidential elections held.
"There must be a constitution for all Egyptians, a constitution that every one of us sees himself in," Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohamed ElBaradei said in a televised message posted on his party's website.
Democracy campaigner and best-selling novelist Alaa al-Aswany marched with ElBaradei to Tahrir. "It is impossible to impose a constitution on Egyptians ... and the revolution today will bring this constitution down," he said.
Morsi's opponents complain that he has kept government appointments almost entirely within the Brotherhood, installing its members to everything from governorships and chiefs of state TV and newspapers, down to preachers in state-run mosques.
Many were also angered by the constitution and the way Islamists pushed it through in an all-night session and then brought it to a swift referendum in which only a third of voters participated. The result is a document that could bring a much stricter implementation of Shariah, or Islamic law, than modern Egypt has ever seen.
Looming over the struggle between the Islamists and opposition is an economy in tatters since Mubarak's ouster. The vital tourism sector has slumped, investment has shriveled, foreign currency reserves have tumbled, prices are on the rise and the local currency has been sliding.
More pain is likely in coming months if the government implements unpopular new austerity measures to secure a $4.8 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund.
Associated Press reporters Aya Batrawy and Mariam Rizk contributed to this report.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/angry-protests-leave-7-dead-egypt-anniversary-004554438.html
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Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013
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HIV-like viruses in non-human primates have existed much longer than previously thought
HIV-like viruses in non-human primates have existed much longer than previously thought
Friday, January 25, 2013Viruses similar to those that cause AIDS in humans were present in non-human primates in Africa at least 5 million years ago and perhaps up to 12 million years ago, according to study published January 24 in the Open Access journal PLOS Pathogens by scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Until now, researchers have hypothesized that such viruses originated much more recently.
HIV-1, the virus responsible for AIDS, infiltrated the human population in the early 20th century following multiple transmissions of a similar chimpanzee virus known as SIVcpz. Previous work to determine the age of HIV-like viruses, called lentiviruses, by comparing their genetic blueprints has calculated their origin to be tens of thousands of years ago.
However, other researchers have suspected this time frame to be much too recent. Michael Emerman, Ph.D., a virologist and member of the Human Biology Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Alex Compton, a graduate student in the Emerman Lab, describe the use of a technique to estimate the extent to which primates and lentiviruses have coexisted by tracking the changes in a host immunity gene called APOBEC3G that were induced by ancient viral challenges.
They report that this host immunity factor is evolving in tandem with a viral gene that defends the virus against APOBEC3G, which allowed them to determine the minimum age for the association between primates and lentiviruses to be around 5 or 6 million years ago, and possibly up to 12 million years ago.
These findings suggest that HIV-like infections in primates are much older than previously thought, and they have driven selective changes in antiviral genes that have incited an evolutionary arms race that continues to this day. The study also confirms that viruses similar to HIV that are present in various monkey species today are the descendants of ancient pathogens in primates that have shaped how the immune system fights infections.
"More than 40 non-human primate species in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with strains of HIV-related viruses," Emerman said. "Since some of these viruses may have the potential to infect humans as well, it is important to know their origins."
Public Library of Science: http://www.plos.org
Thanks to Public Library of Science for this article.
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Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
Burger King drops supplier linked to horsemeat
LONDON (AP) ? British and Irish burger fans could face a Whopper shortage. Burger King has stopped buying beef from an Irish meat processor whose patties were found to contain traces of horsemeat.
The fast food chain said Thursday it had dropped Silvercrest Foods as a supplier for its U.K. and Ireland restaurants as a "voluntary and precautionary measure."
Last week Silvercrest, which is owned by ABP Food Group, shut down its production line and recalled 10 million burgers from supermarket shelves in Britain and Ireland after horse DNA was found in some beef products.
Burger King said the decision to drop the supplier "may mean that some of our products are temporarily unavailable." It stressed that "this is not a food safety issue."
The company added that there was "no evidence to suggest any of the Silvercrest product supplied to Burger King was affected" by the horsemeat contamination.
Rival McDonald's said it does not buy beef from Silvercrest or other affected suppliers.
The presence of horsemeat in beef is a sensitive issue in Britain and Ireland, which do not have a tradition of eating horses. The British tabloid The Sun reported the Burger King story under the headline "Shergar King," a reference to a famous racehorse.
Products from another Irish firm and one in Britain also were contaminated by horsemeat. Most had only small traces, but one burger of a brand sold by the British supermarket chain Tesco contained 29 percent horsemeat.
Irish food officials say an ingredient imported from an unspecified European country and used as filler in cheap burgers is the likely source of the horsemeat contamination.
Burger King says its patties are made from 100 percent beef.
Officials say the horsemeat poses no risk to human health, but the episode has raised food security worries.
More concern arose Thursday when lawmaker Mary Creagh, environment spokeswoman for Britain's opposition Labour Party, said that several horses slaughtered in the country last year had tested positive for phenylbutazone, an anti-inflammatory drug given to horses that can cause cancer in humans.
"It is possible that those animals entered the human food chain," she said.
The Food Standards Agency confirmed that meat from five horses had tested positive for the drug, but said none had been approved for sale in Britain. It said the relevant food safety authorities were informed in cases where the meat was exported to other countries.
The agency said no horsemeat in the current scandal contained phenylbutazone.
Very little horsemeat is sold in Britain but the country sends thousands of horses a year abroad to be killed for meat.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/burger-king-drops-supplier-linked-horsemeat-125951290--finance.html
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Internet as 'essential' as a fridge? Germany thinks so
By Andy Eckardt, Producer, NBC News
MAINZ, Germany -- A German court has ruled that the Internet is as much of a necessity for daily life as a fridge or car.
The legal decision means Germans now have the right to claim compensation from service providers if their Internet access is disrupted.
"Most people in Germany use the Internet daily. Thus, it has become an essential medium in the life of German society, the disruption of which has an immediate impact on the course of everyday life," the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe stated.
The court made the ruling after hearing the case of a man who was unable to use his high-speed Internet connection, which also offered a telephone and fax line, for two months from late 2008 to early 2009.
He had already received compensation for the cost of having to use a cellphone, but wanted to be compensated for not being able to use the Internet. Under German law, the loss of use of essential material items can be compensated.
"The Internet plays a very important role today and affects the private life of an individual in very decisive ways. Therefore loss of use of the Internet is comparable to the loss of use of a car," a court spokeswoman told Germany's ARD television.
The ruling puts the Internet among the things legally recognized as "essentials." ?
In Germany, "repo men" are not allowed to impound necessities -- including cars,?refrigerators, beds, chairs or other basic furniture -- if debts are unpaid.
Paragraph 811 of the country's "code of civil procedure" -- which is known as the ZPO -- protects "items that are necessary for daily personal needs."
Among the ZPO's exemptions for farmers who have defaulted on debts are "small animals in limited numbers, as well as one milk cow, or at the debtor's option, a total of two pigs, goats or sheep, if these animals are necessary for the feeding of the debtor, his family or people who help in the household, on the farm or in his business."
"The rights of individuals are well secured in our country," Detlef Huermann from the Association of German Bailiffs said. "In our field, German lawmakers are continuously expanding the protection of debtors, for example, and compared to legislation in other European countries, our laws are very humane in that respect."
Reuters contributed to this report.
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Update: Do women have a constitutional right to serve in military combat?
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to announce on Thursday that he is ordering the start of a process that would allow women in the military to take positions in direct ground combat, with some positions opening as early as this year.
The process, however, involves studies running through 2015 by the military services on how to implement the new assignments.
Many news outlets quoting senior Pentagon officials, disclosed the Panetta plan Wednesday.? The Pentagon, meanwhile, has been trying in recent months to fend off lawsuits in federal courts testing the constitutionality of the ban on women in combat roles.? Those lawsuits have been moving fairly slowly.
If the cases are not dismissed, they could lead to court rulings on the issue even before the process started by Panetta has been completed.? Constitution Daily described the constitutional issues at stake in an earlier post below from May 2012.
The statement at issue:
?We want to eliminate this last vestige of formal discrimination against women by the federal government, and ensure that women in the military have the same opportunities and the same obligations as men. No other employer in the country may tell a woman that she is barred from the job merely because she is a woman.? It is time for the Pentagon to stop relying on sex as a proxy for fitness to serve.?
? University of Virginia law professor Anne Coughlin, in a news release issued by the Law School on May 24, discussing a new lawsuit filed that day challenging the constitutionality of the Pentagon?s continued policy of excluding women from assignment to Army and Marine units that engage in direct hostile combat with enemy forces.
We checked the Constitution, and?
Constitution Check The history of women?s service in the U.S. military has been developing for more than a century ? going back to 1908, when women were first allowed to become Navy nurses ? and it has always been much more an issue of military management than of constitutional dispute.
Since the early 1900s, the history has been a story of change, though only gradual in pace and scope.? But there is one constant in this history: women have never been allowed to serve in Army and Marine combat units ? that is, those military units with the primary mission of engaging in direct hostile combat with an enemy.?? They can now fly planes or helicopters, or serve on submarines, but not in infantry platoons.
Even as recently as last February, the Pentagon, in opening up more than 14,000 new positions to women servicemembers, retained the ban on their serving in ?ground combat operations.?
That ban, first made a formal policy in 1993, has always been based on the unwillingness to have women soldiers exposed to direct fire from the enemy, direct engagement with enemy troops, or the risk of capture.? In short, the idea was the protective one that women had no place on ?the front lines.?
One of the new pressures on those ideas, though, is that in modern warfare ? as in Iraq and Afghanistan ? the concept of a ?front line? has vanished.? Anywhere in a country where there are hostile insurgent forces, using roadside bombs, for example, there is no longer what military experts call ?the linear battlefield? made up of ?forward? and ?rear? positions.
And, of course, the realty in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has been that women are quite often among the casualties, despite the formal ban on their serving in combat units.? More than 800 women have been wounded in those two conflicts, and 144 have been killed.
About Constitution Check
- In a continuing series of posts, Lyle Denniston provides responses based on the Constitution and its history to public statements about its meaning and what duties it imposes or rights it protects.
And there is a further reality that translates into a ?glass ceiling? for women in the military, especially in the Army.? Four out of every five generals in the Army have backgrounds in combat operations, so service in that line of military duty is a channel ? mostly open to men ? to the highest ranks.
The military has been creating increasing opportunities for women, for two main reasons: their skills and talents are needed in an all-volunteer force, and the success of women?s advocacy groups in challenging gender barriers in many sectors of American society has had its impact on the military, too.
But the new lawsuit filed by Professor Coughlin, some of her students and outside lawyers faces three potential obstacles as it makes its way through the federal courts, perhaps up to the Supreme Court.? Those barriers are in the Constitution itself, or are in Supreme Court rulings interpreting the Constitution.
Under the Constitution?s Article I, Section 8, Congress has explicit authority ?to make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces.?? Still, like all powers given to the national legislature, this one could not be used in a way that violated constitutional rights.? For example, a rule barring racial minorities from military service clearly would not be valid now.
But a more significant factor, when discussing any lawsuit challenging military policy, is that the Supreme Court has long held and applied the view that the courts should seldom intrude into military policy, on the premise that the Constitution assigns that function to the political branches, and the view that courts are not experts in the field of managing military operations.
That deference to the military goes back a long way, and was well established by the time the Supreme Court issued a series of decisions during and after World War II, creating the constitutional concept of ?military necessity,? meaning less judicial second-guessing of military policy.
There are more recent precedents, but they seem to point in opposite directions.? In 1981, in? the case of Rostker v. Goldberg, the Court upheld the policy that limited the military draft to men.? It did so primarily on the basis that the draft was to produce troops for combat duty, and women, of course, could not perform that duty.? The Court majority accepted that exclusion without question.
But in 1996, in the case of United States v. Virginia, the Court struck down a males-only admissions policy at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va., partly because it shut women out of a channel leading toward potential careers in the military.
Clearly, constitutional notions have changed, and the new lawsuit against combat exclusion could show how far that change has gone.
Lyle Denniston is the National Constitution Center?s Adviser on Constitutional Literacy. He has reported on the Supreme Court for 54 years, currently covering it for SCOTUSblog, an online clearinghouse of information about the Supreme Court?s work.
Also ReadSource: http://news.yahoo.com/constitution-check-women-constitutional-serve-military-combat-101804305.html
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Wind, snow thwart search for plane in Antarctica
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) ? Hurricane-force winds and snow were preventing searchers Friday from reaching a plane believed to have crashed in an Antarctic mountain range while carrying three Canadians.
Its emergency locator started transmitting late Wednesday about 680 kilometers (420 miles) north of the South Pole, but the weather has prevented search planes overhead from seeing the presumed crash site itself.
Rescuers don't know if the men are alive. Their plane has survival gear including tents and food.
The locator stopped transmitting Thursday night and crews have been unable to establish radio contact. Rescuers say a break in the weather is forecast Saturday.
One man on the plane has been identified as Bob Heath from the Northwest Territories, an experienced pilot in both the Antarctic and Arctic. Rescuers say the other two men were also part of the flight crew and that no passengers were aboard.
The propeller-driven de Havilland Twin Otter, was flying from a U.S. station near the pole to an Italian research base in Terra Nova Bay. Rescuers believe it crashed in the Queen Alexandra mountain range at an elevation of about 3,900 meters (13,000 feet).
Winds of up to 90 knots (104 miles per hour) have been blowing Thursday and Friday.
Steve Rendle, a spokesman for New Zealand's Rescue Coordination Centre, said rescue planes circled the area on Thursday and Friday but have been unable to spot the downed plane due to poor visibility. He said the battery on the locator beacon may have run out but that rescuers have a good fix on its location.
He said that when the weather clears, crews hope to establish a forward base at the Beardmore Glacier about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the assumed crash site. He said there's a rudimentary runway and a fuel depot at the glacier.
For now, two helicopters and a small plane remain at McMurdo Station, the main U.S. base about four hours' flight away. He said the elevation provides extra challenges for helicopter crews.
Heath's wife, Lucy Heath, told the Calgary Sun newspaper that airline officials had told her her husband's plane was down, and she said she was just waiting for more news: "I'm so worried."
Bob Heath wrote on networking site LinkedIn that he typically spends this time of year coaching and mentoring other pilots in polar regions.
The missing plane is owned and operated by Kenn Borek Air Ltd., a Calgary firm that charters aircraft to the U.S. Antarctic program. In a release, the National Science Foundation said the plane was flying in support of the Italian Antarctic program.
Authorities from New Zealand, Canada, the U.S. and Italy are working on the rescue operation.
Antarctica has no permanent residents, but several thousand people live there in the Southern Hemisphere summer as a number of countries send scientists and other staff to research stations. The U.S. runs the largest program, with about 850 staff at its McMurdo Station and another 200 at its Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, where the Canadians' flight originated.
Associated PressCells 'flock' to heal wounds: Researchers analyze physics of epithelial cell cooperation
Jan. 24, 2013 ? Like flocks of birds, cells coordinate their motions as they race to cover and ultimately heal wounds to the skin. How that happens is a little less of a mystery today.
Researchers once thought only the cells at the edge of a growing patch of wounded skin were actively moving while dividing cells passively filled in the middle. But that's only part of the picture. Rice University physicist Herbert Levine and his colleagues have discovered that the process works much more efficiently if highly activated cells in every part of the patch exert force as they pull their neighbors along.
There's a need to understand how cells cooperate to protect the site of a wound in the hours and days after injury, said Levine, who has introduced the first iteration of a computer model to analyze the two-dimensional physics of epithelial sheets. He hopes it will give new insight into a process with long-term implications not only for healing but also for understanding cancer, a prime motivator in his research since joining Rice under a grant from the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute of Texas.
A paper on the research by Levine, based at Rice University's BioScience Research Collaborative, and colleagues at the University of California at San Diego and in Germany and France appears January 23 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Levine and his colleagues create computer models of processes seen by experimentalists to flesh out the rules that govern biological systems. "Here, we're combining experimental observations from single cells with general notions from the physics literature to create an integrated way of thinking about this multicellular system," he said.
The new models were prompted by a recent Harvard study showing "that even in the middle of a sheet, cells were dynamically creating heads and tails and were actively moving rather than being passively carried along," Levine said. "This data convinced us that we needed a different way to start to think about the problem."
The body marshals an astounding array of forces to heal wounds, Levine said. Many have to do with cell biology, the internal and external signals that tell a cell when to move, when to stop, when to split and when to die. His team's intent was to focus first on the cell's physical interactions with its neighbors and study what happened if all those complicating factors are eliminated from the simulations.
"We try to unravel what is physics and what is biology," Levine said. "We want to know which parts of the phenomenon don't require sophisticated signaling networks."
In the physics approach to cell motility, he said, "the first thing to do is see how far we can get if we assume that all the cells are following the same rules. Then the only thing that's creating the dynamics of the system is that they're interacting with each other. This is the type of problem that physicists have studied before, usually in nonbiological contexts."
In the Harvard experiment, he said, "They had taken a millimeter-sized tissue that was spreading and showed it wasn't just cells on the end that were pulling on the tissue while the others were spectators." But that work didn't explain how cells in the center of the tissue knew the direction of the edge.
Levine's team looked to the skies for inspiration. "Birds look around and decide which way all their neighbors are flying," Levine said. "The idea that they would move as independent birds but also coordinate is where the idea of flocking came from. This way of thinking hadn't been applied to epithelial tissue motility in wound healing."
What cells "see" are their sticky neighbors, which pull and tug them as they move on lamellipodia, thin sheets that serve as "feet" powered by actin filaments that act something like the treads on a tank. The overlapping lamellipodia of adjacent cells influence each other. "The cells have to figure out which way to go based on competing tendencies: their own tendency to push on the ground and propel themselves forward, and the tendency of their neighbors to try to pull them in various directions," Levine said. "Our basic notion is that as time goes on, these tendencies become correlated as the cell 'tries' to accommodate its conflicting inputs."
The Harvard experimentalists saw that loosely packed cells in the middle of a growing colony tend to swirl in a disorganized manner, and the simulations confirmed this. These swirls are analogous to what is seen in other examples of flocking. But when a wound is introduced, the swirls disappear and cells begin to match direction and velocity and pull toward a common goal. The ones on the edge immediately know which way to go, and everyone else learns from their example. Surprisingly, Levine said, "stickier" cells tend to push forward unevenly, with finger-like protrusions at the leading edge, much like what experimentalists often see.
The simulation model has a long way to go, Levine said. "It's rough around the edges. Biologists who read this will immediately say, 'You've left out all sorts of interesting things we know are happening.'
"Yes, there will be experiments for which this approach will not be sufficient," he said. "It will teach us that in those cases, biology has to exert a more specific role in creating the structures and the motion."
Levine hopes to match the models to current work by experimentalists on motility in cells related to the metastatic spread of breast cancer. "We're a long way from saying anything about this problem," he said. "But that's my overall agenda -- to push my research to where it can make contact with the cancer community."
Co-authors of the new paper are postdoctoral researcher Markus Basan and senior scientist Wouter-Jan Rappel of the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California at San Diego; Jens Elgeti, a member of the scientific staff at the Institute of Complex Systems, J?lich, Germany; and Edouard Hannezo, a graduate student at the Curie Institute, Paris. Levine is the Karl F. Hasselmann Professor in Bioengineering at Rice and co-director of the Rice-based Center for Theoretical Biological Physics.
The National Science Foundation and its Center for Theoretical Biological Physics supported the research.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rice University.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
- M. Basan, J. Elgeti, E. Hannezo, W.-J. Rappel, H. Levine. Inaugural Article: Alignment of cellular motility forces with tissue flow as a mechanism for efficient wound healing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219937110
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/mOqljfeqERg/130124123625.htm
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Beckham's son has trial with Chelsea
AP Sports Writer
Associated Press Sports
updated 10:20 a.m. ET Jan. 23, 2013
LONDON (AP) -David Beckham's teenage son just might be the next person in his family to play in the English Premier League.
Thirteen-year-old Brooklyn Beckham, the oldest of David's four children, is having a tryout with London club Chelsea and played in an under-14 game on Tuesday at the team's training facility, people familiar with the situation told The Associated Press. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the teenager's activities.
The Daily Mail newspaper's website first reported the news on Wednesday after pictures were posted on Twitter of David watching Brooklyn play on Tuesday.
Professional teams throughout England sign talented young players to their youth academies, with the hope of building teams around academy graduates rather than costly imports.
Brooklyn is trying to forge his own football career just as his father decides what could be the final step in his own.
The 37-year-old David, a former England captain and Manchester United star, is mulling offers from clubs around the world after leaving the Los Angeles Galaxy at the end of a six-year stint in Major League Soccer.
When David played in the U.S., Brooklyn was on the Galaxy's youth team, and still appears on their website as a member of their under-14 squad.
But the family left Los Angeles last month and returned to England, with Brooklyn and younger brothers Romeo and Cruz expected to attend school in London. David and Victoria Beckham also have a daughter, 2-year-old Harper Seven.
The 10-year-old Romeo is making a name for himself in the fashion industry like his mother. He features in fashion house Burberry's adverts for its spring/summer 2013 collection.
? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/50560441/ns/sports-soccer/
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Kamis, 24 Januari 2013
Sotheby's International Realty Releases 2012 Year-End Micro ...
23Jan 2013
Fuller Sotheby?s International Realty (FSIR), a leader in the sale and purchase of luxury residences throughout Colorado released their 2012 Year-End Micro-Market Reports revealing an upswing in the local housing market.?According to the latest data from Metrolist, buyer demand and historically low inventory levels continued to increase average and median sales prices across the metro, as home values rose by 9% in 2012.
Currently an active seller?s market with tightened inventory, experts forecast buyer demand to remain high. A significant factor will be starting the year with roughly half the active listings when compared to this time last year. However, the reduction of inventory is beginning to establish a better real estate environment by eliminating distressed properties ? an encouraging sign as we move into 2013.? ?While bank owned properties continue to be a major factor in terms of pulling down values and sale prices, strong demand has increased the average bank property by almost 5%. In 2012, there were 21% fewer bank owned properties for sale, largely due to a higher percentage of successful short sales,? says Larry Simpson, Broker Associate at Fuller Sotheby?s International Realty.
Notable trends throughout Denver Metro real estate include a 27% drop in number of days on market compared to 2011, with overall sold listings up 17% in 2012. ?Housing economists agree that real estate markets across the country are finally showing signs of stabilization. ?Denver continues to be one of the top housing markets,? says Steve Blank, Managing Broker at Fuller Sotheby?s International Realty. ?Metrolist reported that Denver sold 3,400 homes in December; 8% higher than December 2011. They also reported a 30% drop in inventory from December 2011, placing pressures on prices to head north, while creating competition for available homes. Denver in general has appreciated anywhere from 4%-15%, depending on area, price range, and inventory levels.?
Even in an area the size of metro Denver, market trends can vary dramatically from neighborhood to neighborhood. When you are contemplating as large a financial commitment as the purchase or sale of a home, micro-market data on your neighborhood can make a big difference. Fuller Sotheby?s International Realty compiles quarterly and year-end reports of micro-market statistics to help you make better real estate decisions. Visit www.ColoradoMicroReports.com for direct, 24-7 access to micro-market reports. If your community is not listed, or you?re unsure what the data means for your transaction, simply contact one of our expert broker associates, and we?ll be happy to pull a report for you and help you interpret the results.
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